Back to School 2020 – Those few words have never been met with such controversy and unknowns about the year ahead. After 5 months of the longest Summer Vacation, my girls are excited to head back to a classroom today, even if it will currently be for 2 days a week.
They are ready for:
- Social interactions
- Routines and structure
- Knowledge and growth
- A chance to develop and practice their talents
As we embark on the beginning of middle school and high school, fears and anxieties have run through their minds. More than ever, those feelings are not alone. Every student and teacher will enter those halls with fears and anxieties more than usual this year.
We are all trying to learn and do the best we can, and grace and patience will be required from all parties to navigate this school year.
We can’t always see the big picture and why we are being asked to endure situations that don’t always make sense to us, but be assured you can shine in the space you have been given.
I was reminded of a common theme with Joseph, Esther, and Onesimus and Philemon in our Bible study last night. We never know when our situation has aligned to be a friend to someone who needs us most, to cheer on and support a teacher, or to be a positive example that stands up for the truth.
Genesis 50:20 – You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.
Esther 4:14 – Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.
Philemon 1:15 – For this perhaps is why he was parted from you for a while that you might have him back forever.
Join me in prayer today for a hedge of protection to be around each of our children, teachers, and administration for this school year.
Pray Over Your Kids
Whether your school year looks like in person classroom learning, remote elearning, or your own version of homeschooling, here is a graphic reminder of verses you can pray over your children today and any day.

I would love to hear what school looks like for you and your family this year! Comment below and let me know if you have any specific prayer requests moving into this school year.