Sometimes it is more about putting one foot in front of the other and taking the next step that is in front of you, than seeing the big full picture.

It may sound cliché that I chose the word Vision as my word for 2020, but that is what I desire, clear 20-20 vision for this year and my next 40 years. I can’t think of a better time to pursue new paths and begin dreaming again about possibilities for the future.
I’ve been thinking a lot about things in this life that we have to let go of, so we can grow. It may seem counter intuitive to give up control of one area of our life to grow in another, but often it is necessary to clear one space to make room for the next right thing.
I recently sat in a puddle of tears as I listened to this song after releasing and selling a business I spent the last 7 years building from the ground up. (I’ll save that story for another day soon.)
I won’t cheat on my future with the past.
-Fearless Soul
While I don’t know what the rest of this year, 5 years, 20 years will look like, I do know I am on the path I am supposed to be on.