My city girls are country girls at heart! They love tending to animals and don’t mind getting their hands dirty to grow something. It has been a blessing for our family to be back in Birmingham, and close enough to run up for day trips to play on my parent’s land, Arkadelphia Acres.
At Christmas we gave my mother a chicken coop. If you missed that story, you can go back and catch up. She recently got everything put together and fenced in to house her first round of chickens. We were able to buy a couple of laying hens from our friends at McLean Acres, that quickly made themselves at home and resumed their egg laying schedule.
Do you remember the Target Universal Thread prairie dresses that everyone kept making fun of? Well, my girls actually really liked the pattern of them and I scored 3 for us on clearance. I envisioned a fun photoshoot with these dresses once my mother got chickens. I don’t know who came up with the #TargetDressChallenge, but I was all over that idea and the girls were actually excited about this photoshoot!

I couldn’t help but laugh how much they looked like Mary and Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie! Funny thing is, their personalities match the characters too!
The wildflowers were at their peak, so we had fun in the field across the street until I stepped in an ant bed, and cut our ending short.
These girls of mine may not officially be country girls, but they sure play the part well! As much fun as it has been watching these chickens interact with each other in their coop, I am already imagining the fun we will have when goats enter the picture for the Sauter/Bailey/Baggett family!
Hop over to Instagram and you can view the Country Girl Reel!