You can still do something “extraordinary” in the midst of your mess.
My sweet Sarah Beth teaches me something new everyday! Last week she came to me one night with the desire to do something “extraordinary” the next day. I was a little perplexed in what she had in mind or how I could clear the path to help her do whatever she had in mind. Somewhere she must have seen or gotten the idea that she wanted to build a crayon holder out of a piece of wood. Unfortunately, power tools are not in my working skill set, so I told her she would have to wait till Daddy could help her. Fast forward to Saturday when my Mom was at our house and could safely help her operate a drill. She was able to drill 64 perfectly measured and spaced holes in her block of wood and paint it.

Yesterday she came home from school and disappeared silently for hours in her room. In true Sarah Beth fashion she will start with one area and completely shove everything out of the way to stage and redesign the surface to her taste. It made me smile to see her “extraordinary” creation as the new focal point of her room and had to look past the multiple mounds of stuff piled up awaiting her attention. She was so proud of the way her desk looked that she wasn’t concerned with the mess she had created in the process.