Mothers I see you and know you have all been thrown expectations out of the norm over the past 2 months. From making decisions that are best for your family, juggling working from home while entertaining children and continuing school at home, to providing 3 meals a day and keeping a sense of order in your home.
As a fun diversion, I hosted this virtual game night on Facebook to bring my friends together for an evening of fun.
You can download each of the game boards and post to your personal social media accounts and pages to host your own virtual interactive event.
I know each of our “Stay Home” experiences have looked a little different depending on where we live, how we are working, and the needs of our children. I know for many this has been a much needed time to slow down and rest during a season of growth. As we share our own personal stories from this time, I am sure common themes and activities connect each of us.
Download the Bingo board and you can digitally cross off items you have completed with Staying Home.

If you watch Instagram Stories, you may be familiar with “This or That.” Simply download the graphic and mark it up by drawing a circle around your answer.

Scattergories may have been one of my favorite games growing up! I love having to think quickly to come up with a list within given parameters. I have devised a “quarantine” edition of Scattergories, that will be fun to share with your friends.


A picture is worth a thousand words.
Did you ever read/look at the I Spy Books that were filled with thematic collaged photographs? You could spend hours looking at hidden objects within the carefully arranged pages.
Think through the activities and things you have been doing yourself or as a family during your extended period of staying at home. Gather as many items as you can to represent what you have been doing and set them up on a neutral background (floor, on a blanket, on a counter, on a table) Have fun arranging all your items within your given canvas. Stand above your items. Grab a step ladder or sturdy chair and shoot down to photograph all your items laid out flat.
Try to make sure your items are well lit or use photo editing afterward.
This photograph will be a special memory to hang on to for years to come to tell future generations about the months you learned to be still at home.

Beautiful site! Game night was so fun. Thank you for being you and sharing your love with us!
Thank you for joining in the fun! I enjoyed having you participate live with us!