Let it Go, so you can grow…
I recently joined a small group book study on the topic of moving in and moving on when moving to a new city. The theme of the first several weeks has been all about Letting Go of what you are leaving behind in order to settle into your new life.
This past year Jonathan and I made our 5th move since we have been married. After being transferred to Atlanta in 2013, we had the opportunity to assess in 2019 if now would be the right time to make a move back to Birmingham. While this was the first move we were able to make the choice about, it doesn’t minimize the effects of starting over with new schools, new church family, trying to figure out what circles you fit in, etc.
I was telling a friend today that one of the biggest blessings of having lived in various places is the friendships and relationships that are formed. While those relationships may seem severed by not physically being so close, the internet today makes it so easy to stay connected to those relationships. It is in moving to new areas that your mindset is expanded and you develop empathy for different groups of people.
As I was reviewing the story of Abram today in Genesis 12 to share with a class of K/1st grade, I see the direct statement from God for Abram to pick up and leave his country and people to go to a new land on faith that he knew nothing about. In following that direct request from God, he would be blessed through a great nation, land, and through his seed. Abraham would not see the fulfillment of God’s big vision, but he didn’t let that stop him from walking out what was put before him.

While we aren’t all called to pick up and move to foreign lands like Abraham, we can find blessings, growth, and purpose in moving to new cities, new jobs, new communities.
Whether my mailing address reads Auburn, AL, Hoover, AL, Madison, AL, Birmingham, AL, Woodstock, GA, or Birmingham, AL ultimately I want to end up with my address reading HEAVEN and I want to bring as many friends and family members with me to that permanent home.
We are all traveling through this life on our Way Home to the final home that has been prepared for us.
If you have ever changed jobs, moved to a new city, or faced any other major life change, what were some things that were the hardest for you to let go of?

You know our story…but the hardest move was from Athens back to Bham…I cried for a year. We left good friends, church family, and a wonderful community. But, as always, God had a simply wonderful plan for us. Faith, trust, contentment….
Yes, I love how we can look back on where we started and where we have come. Contentment in each season of life.