The Great Conjunction of 2020, or “Christmas Star” captured people’s attention all over the world on Monday, December 21. I have seen some amazing images that were taken through telescopes and cameras.

I went out with a 50 mm lens that was capable of photographing the planets as seen with the naked eye from earth. Jupiter and Saturn definitely looked like the brightest stars among others in the southern sky. I saw images online taken through telescopes and with telescopic zoom lenses that were able to isolate the planets up close and actually see the details and rings around Saturn along with the planet’s orbiting moons.

Much like the great solar eclipse in 2017, this was a once in a lifetime astronomical event that everyone wanted to see and capture a memory of. What struck me as I saw friends posting their pictures on social media last night was many unmet expectations. It was cloudy for those in the Northern states. Cell phone cameras turned out blurry blobs of light. Views may have been blocked by trees. It was if people expected to walk out and see a glorious giant beaming star of light as often depicted by artists in children’s Bibles of the Star of Bethlehem that led the wise men to Jesus.

Lesson Learned
It made me think… It really does matter the perspective with which you view the planets (that appear as bright stars with the sun’s reflection). Or with what lens are you choosing to view the event? Given a clear Southwestern view, you couldn’t miss the bright splendor of the 2 planets side by side with your naked eye. That view could be enhanced with a telescope or telescopic camera lens to see detail and accompanying moons.

Wasn’t it also true with the timing and arrival of Jesus the promised Messiah? Malachi, the last prophet over 400 years prior, left the Jews with the hope of an Elijah who would prepare the way for a Savior who would enter the world at just the right time. Yet in the 30 years that Jesus lived on this earth interacting with so many, how many failed to have the right lens to recognize who he was and the simple message that he brought for a promised kingdom greater than an earthly kingdom they were looking for.

Whatever you believe to be true with the planetary alignment and timing of it all in 2020, Jesus is the fulfillment of Scripture. He is the Word. He is the Light. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but through Him. Jesus has fulfilled every single prophetic word.
9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
John 1:9-12
I hope The True Light has brought you peace and comfort in 2020.
I enjoyed being able to enjoy this astronomical event with 2020 vision. Were you able to catch a glimpse of the Great Conjunction of 2020?
You can view some great images shared from around the world HERE.