We Can Sew It! After seeing so many women starting to gather their own personal resources and skills to sew face masks to fill the need in our current healthcare crisis, it made me think of the iconic Rosie the Riveter portrait that represented so many women entering the workforce to fill a need during WWII.
We are currently fighting a different type of war, but the combined efforts of women joining forces through social media are seen and appreciated.
My mother, Vanessa Sauter, was one of the first women I saw talking about taking on this project to provide sewn face masks to her friends in the healthcare fields. My mother allowed me to doll her up for a photoshoot of an image I had envisioned to create with the face mask project 😷, that she and so many others have been working on.
I hope this image represents in a small way the efforts millions are putting forth to help their fellow neighbor. I hope we are all able to use our gifts and talents to create light in the current shadow in front of us!

Is this you??? https://operationwecansewit.com/
Thanks for sharing that link! No, we have not been working with that group, but looks like we had the same idea.